Extended registration, bingo, and more!
Hello everyone,
Thanks to all that have signed up GMLB in 2023. It is going to be a great year.
Registration: For those that did not make it, we are extending the normal registration through Saturday 3/4/23. After that, normal registration will be closed, and we will be in late registration, only if spots are available. In addition, late registration incurs a late fee, so, register today! If you have already, check with your friends and family to make sure they have registered.
Bingo: Our annual Bingo Fundraiser (Adults only) is this Saturday 3/4/23 at the Greenfield Elks Club. Doors open at 6PM!! Please join us!
Evaluations: Evaluations for the players will be on Saturday March 18th from 9am to 3pm at the Franklin County Tech School (It will be indoors, unless a great day, then it would be outdoors if field conditions are ok). Specifics about times and other info will be sent out at a later date and posted on Facebook. We understand people’s schedules especially other sports at this time, but we highly encourage every player to attend the evaluations so that the player is evaluated to the correct division and their skill level can be attained. (Note, likely new players that are 6 and 7 year old will not be required to attend as they will be placed in Rookie ball, unless the Parent/player wants to try out for AA).
Uniforms: At the evaluations, we will have sample uniforms if anyone wants to check to make sure you chose the correct size(s) of Shirt and Pants for your players. (You can change your choices at that time).
Team Managers: Each year our league relies on volunteer managers and coaches. For anyone who would like to manage a team, please come to our board meeting on Thursday March 16th, at 7pm at the Greenfield Elks Club. Information about managing will be at the beginning of the meeting. Please come even if you are not sure, as this will help you decide if managing the team is for you. We are always in need of managers, whether you are a parent, guardian, relative, friend or even do not have a child in the league. For Managers who might manage above rookie level, we suggest that you attend Evaluations for those ages that might be in your division for team selection purposes, so please have March 18th in your schedule.
For those that do not want to manage, but want to help coach, information will sent out later by the league or by the team manager for your players team. Each team ideally need 3-4 managers/coaches, so please volunteer your time no matter your baseball experience.
Posted: to General News on Thu, Mar 2, 2023
Updated: Thu, Mar 2, 2023