Tournament Team Tryouts

Reminder on Tournament Team Tryouts Dates and Times


Yesterday, we had a successful opening day for the 2023 GMLB season. Thanks to everyone who put on the event and made the day a success for all the kids playing. From the parade to the ceremony to all the games, it was a great opening day.

What’s Next?

Make-ups: With the rain last week, the next two weeks will be busy with both regular games and the makeup games. Your manager will let you know of both regular season and makeup games but some makeup games will be listed on under the schedule. But your manager will conform any dates and times.

Tournament Tryouts: Tournament tryouts will be held on Sunday May 14th. Please note the times below:

  • 11U and 12U: 10:00 AM on Lunt 3 with Matt Zraunig
  • 8U (all players 8 and under): 10:00 AM on Lunt 2 with David White and Brian Winslow
  • 9U: 12:00 PM on Lunt 2 with Brian Winslow and Bradley Baker
  • 10U: 2:00 PM on Lunt 2 with Bradley Baker

If a player is interested in trying out (please note they must be on a GMLB Roster), please let us know by Wednesday May 10th, by emailing the following people, including your player’s name and age group that they will attend/tryout for:

Please note that players should show up to their designated age group, unless they specifically request to try out for a different (older) age group. For example, if your player is 8 years old, they would show up to 8U unless they request to try out for a different age group (9U or 10U). Please note your players “league age” is what is listed in the Roster book (which is their age as of 4/30/2023 per the Cal Ripken rules). No player can tryout for a younger team (i.e. a 10 year old player cannot tryout for 9U). Please make sure to wear your GMLB team uniform, as it will have their name on the back for easier evaluations. Tryouts are very important to the evaluation process including performance in league play, emotional/athletic maturity, and assessment from league coaches, board members, etc.

Also note, Tryout Day is for evaluation and tryouts for players. Managers may not be able to or have time to answer specific questions about costs, dates, or other information (some of which may not yet be known). So please let managers focus on completing evaluations of the players unless they initiate any question-and-answer session for parents. They will provide more information to whomever is selected at a later date and time. Time will be needed to review evaluations, decide if there will be a team, and select a team.

Tournament Managers: At the last GMLB Board meeting, managers for any potential tournament teams were decided. They are:

8U: David White

9U: Brian Winslow

10: Brad Baker

11U/12U: Matt Zraunig

These managers are now in charge of tryouts, selection of their team, coaches, etc. Teams will only be formed if there is enough interest and ability to do so.

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday May 16th: Annual GMLB 12-Year-Old Red Sox Trip at Fenway Park VS Seattle. (12 Year old parents have been notified by Matt Zraunig. Please RSVP as soon as possible so that he can get an accurate headcount – If your 12 year old will not be attending, please let him know too. Email him at: