Sandlot and FCHA Learn to Skate
Hey Everyone,
This week we have Sandlot baseball on Thursday. We hope to see the kids at the field, of course follow facebook as looks like potential for rain again. Hopefully the rain stays away.
Also, for anyone intersted FCHA has a great learn to skate program if your child (boys and girls) are interested in Hockey. I believe it comes with all the equipment you would need to start. including skates, pads, etc. Follow up with them if you are interested and see the post on our facebook I have forwarded.
Franklin County Hockey Association : Bruins LTP (
Also, be on the lookout for our next Thunderbirds GMLB outing! It will be in late october or early November. I should have info in early September.
Posted: to General News on Wed, Aug 23, 2023
Updated: Wed, Aug 23, 2023