Fall ball and other news
Hello everyone, we are in the middle of the offseason, but wanted to update everyone with some upcoming items. the season is winding down and this week is the final week of the playoffs!
What’s Next?
Sandlot continues each week on Tuesday nights at 5:30PM. Lunt 2. (Please follow facebook in case of cancelations due to weather or other reasons). We have 2 weeks left, including a surprise for the last week instore.
Fall Ball: If you are interested in more baseball (who isn't??), check out our friends at Newt Guilbailt in Turnser for Fall Baseball in Sept and Octover. They still have some open spots. Get in now. Games on the weekend, practices during the week.
Fall Ball 2024 - Newt Guilbault Community Baseball League (newtguilbaultleague.org)
FCHA Pickleball: There is a charity pickleball lessons for FCHA tonight. (My understanding is you can just show up). See the FCHA site for more information. TONIGHT!
FCHA Pickleball Fundraiser – Friday, August 16th!
Other News: Be on the lookout for a future email on evaluations, tournament teams, etc,
Follow us for more information at www.gmlb.org, or visit our Facebook page!